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61+ best pickup lines in Nepali 2023 || Best Nepali Pick up Lines for Crush, Girls, Girlfriend

Nepali Pick-up Lines Timi sirak ta haina, tara timlai pattauna Man lagyo. Timro photo pathau na, ma taas kheldai thiye, mero Rani nai har…

101+ Best Cheesy Pickup Lines for When You See Someone Cute ||2023

/div> Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again? I hope you know CPR, because you are taking my breath away. It's…

best gaming mobile under 25000 to 30000 budget in nepal 2023

1.SamsungGalaxyA244G First on the list of best gaming phone under 30000 in Nepal is   Samsung Galaxy A24 4G . As the device f…

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